Monday, November 24, 2014

The End of a 30 day Challenge to Shop Local: The #wins and #fails

It has been an entire month already.  It actually flew by and it was only randomly today as I was thinking about holiday shopping that I realized that my 30 day challenge was "over".  I wanted to do a wrap up, although I plan on continuing to blog about great local stores & services in Elmhurst.  That said, it did start with a challenge so here is how I did:


I did change my behavior in a big way this month.  I became a purposeful shopper.   Let me explain further.

When I looked at where my largest shifts came from there were two big areas:  Big box stores & online.

I rely on big box stores because they are essentially one stop shop.  You can get clothes, gifts, groceries, etc all in one spot so they are so easy.  I found myself buying most of the things I needed at one of these stores, but often buying more than I actually need.  Who hasn't gone into Target for one thing and come out $100 later??

My other area was online shopping.  Because I am so "busy" I used online shopping as a way to save time and money.  With daily flash sales, free shipping, etc it had been a great way to buy anything from clothes to art supplies.  The issue for me is that between "deals I couldn't pass up" and having to get enough in my cart to get the "free shipping if you spend X$" I wasn't really saving money.  OR I was buying the easiest or cheapest thing vs. what I really wanted.

I had never realized how much mindless shopping I did.  I don't just mean spending money unnecessarily as we do watch what we spend and work towards a budget, but not really thinking about whether it is something we really need, where did it come from, is it really what we want?  When you have to seek something out, get in your car and go into a store, you thinking through these things.  It made me much more purposeful about every purchase and therefore my husband and I were discussing how we spent less than usual this month, but were happier with the things we bought.

For example:  Instead of buying random things throughout the month that are a "deal" on Zulily for my daughter I bought her a Christmas Necklace from Monkeys N Munchkins, a special skirt from Pout In Pink and books from A Book Above.  These are all things that she loves and are very special. They were all bought for a specific purpose and not because it was a great deal.  Also, our pets' are also happy recipients as we are switching over to sourcing their food from Ruff Life and were already fans of using Floofins & Co.

I had a realization about half way through that I am so horribly over scheduled that I don't feel like I even have time to think.  That is why I find myself shopping for convenience over "value".  I simply didn't feel like I had the time.  And you know, sometimes I don't (see shopping #fails below), but mostly I was able to make time and overall found it to be a better experience. That purposeful thought around where I spend money will continue beyond the 30 days.

So, it wasn't all great which brings me to my #fails.

I didn't really have too many fails, but I did have one night when it just all got really really frustrating.  This was about a week ago and I had left work in  flurry to make it to a doctors' appointment that I had to make it to before 6pm.  It is very hard if you work downtown to get to anything in Elmhurst before 6pm.  For those that don't commute, here is the deal.  The first Metra train to leave downtown after 5pm is the 5:13pm.  For me that is a stretch as I have to leave by 455pm to make it the station in time.  That train when on time reaches Elmhurst by 539pm.  By the time you are off and to your car it is likely past 545 which will give less than 15 minutes to reach your designated appt.  It is doable, but not easy.

So that night I was on the 513 and the train stopped...just long enough to make it that I could not make my appt.  I had to call and cancel which made me angry to begin with because I had literally run out of work to make it.  It was the only night that week that I didn't have a late meeting or dinner that would require me to stay downtown for part of the evening.  I decided to make the best of it as I had two errands I really needed to make to get to stores in the City Center.  I needed a baby gift for a very good friend I was seeing a few days later and I needed to pick up an item I had special ordered from a local store.  I thought I had redeemed my frustrating evening as these were two things I could get done even if I had missed my appt.  I walked from the train to the stores it was freezing cold outside.  It didn't take me long to realize that the first store was NOT open!  It was only a little after 6pm, but they only had later hours once a week.  I got smart and quickly checked the hours of the other store on my phone before venturing any further and found that they were closed too.  I just about burst into tears, but I figured they would freeze on my face and just make it worse.

It was not my best day to shop local.  I did learn that weekday evenings are not possible unless I am just needing groceries or something at a national chain (Kohls, Kmart, etc) or I get to know which evenings stores have late hours.

Despite that evening, my overall experience with this challenge has been very positive.  We were tracking throughout the month to see the shifts we made.  (We didn't count utilities, car/house payments, etc in our calculations.)

 When we finished, we estimate that in the past 30 days we were able to spend nearly 85% of our dollars in Elmhurst.

It wasn't even that hard once we just changed our mindset. In addition, during this challenge,  I have learned a lot about my community and have met some great store owners.

I don't plan on stopping, but instead will continue to seek out and support those businesses that truly make our community unique.  I look forward to the holiday season and continuing the support, not just on days like Small Business Saturday, but all season long.

A little bit of Elmhurst at the Happiest Place on Earth

We have been very fortunate to take a trip to Disney this fall.  It has meant that we have been away from Elmhurst a bit this month.  Recently before going, I wanted to pick up a fun "Disney" like outfit for my daughter.  Previously we had an adorable Minnie Mouse outfit we had found at a dance store in Villa Park, but she had grown out of it.

I almost ordered something from the Disney Store, but I wanted to check to see if I could find something locally.   Also, I often see little kids walking around hot, humid Florida in costumes that look very uncomfortable.  The last thing I want to do is either carry around an extra change of clothes or deal with a unhappy preschooler.   I found the best skirt at Pout in Pink in Elmhurst!  It is a very cute, FULL, Minnie Mouse colored tutu.  I was able to pair it with a red and white shirt and it was perfect for the Magic Kingdom Christmas Party.

I was asked repeatedly where we got the skirt as it was very unique and unlike anything else anyone had at the park.   We even had a few people that worked at Magic Kingdom (cast members) mention how much they liked it.  I was proud to say that it was from a special store in Elmhurst, IL.  The best part is that is so well made and from great materials so it was not hot or itchy at all!  MUCH better than the materials used for most Disney costumes - at a LOWER cost!  My daughter couldn't stop spinning and showing it off.  She also mentioned that it was so comfy that she wanted to sleep in it later that night.   Even though we got it for Disney I think we will use this outfit again this holiday season.  What a great find!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

It's a Nu Day

I have been promising Scott that I would do a post on Nu Crepes since it is one of our favorite restaurants.   We go here often, but once the 30 day challenge started for some reason we didn't make it there for the first few weeks.

This is really Scott and my daughter's place.  I go with them from time to time on the weekend, but they usually go almost every week.  It is one of the post-gymnastics/dance rituals.  Our daughter loves Nu Crepes so much that if we even mention it in passing she insists that we go there (in that obsessive 4 year old kind of way).  

I think the reason they like Nu Crepes so much is varied:

Dad:  Adventurous eater and loves the variety.  Nu Crepes is constantly adding new menu items.  They are usually very unique and play on the current season.

Preschooler:  Only likes a few foods.  Peanut butter + banana + crepe = preschool palate happiness.

What I am referring to above is a crepe called The King.  It is the only thing she will order when we go there.  So much so that we don't even have to order for her - the Nu Crepes team already knows.  

I like Nu Crepe in particular because it is a really unique place.  When we have people in from out of town or friends from other burbs/city we usually take them to Nu Crepes.  Unanimously people always love it and it stands out as something really unique in Elmhurst.  They are a little tucked away in the City Center, but I think that is part of the charm. 

Sadly, as I write this I am on a business trip in NYC.  I am surrounded by restaurants on every block, but all I want right now is a Veggie crepe...grrr.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Over half way through the 30 day challenge

It occurred to me tonight that I am over halfway through the challenge I gave myself.  For a reminder, it was to take 30 days and spend as much money locally as possible.  There were a few things that I do without even thinking:

1.  I shop a lot online vs. seeing if I can buy it in a store.
2.  I love stores like Target and tend to default to Target for everything and don't take the time to see if what I need is available within Elmhurst
3.  I work downtown which means that I tend to have most services I use (Dr., Dentist, etc) and purchases (morning coffee, lunch, etc) all downtown.

So, I have been embarking on a challenge to keep my money locally.  The thing I have learned through this is that it has made me much more MINDFUL of where my dollars go.  I no longer quickly hit that devious "one click" ordering on Amazon the moment I see something we might like.  I really think about if we need it.  Can we buy it in town? Is there something else like it?  For all my shopping, I think this month might actually save me money (who knew?). I have had to break some habits and start a few new ones.

One of the habits I just love is buying coffee before I get on the train.  There is something about heading into a coffee shop in the morning and hearing the chatter of our community.  It is a great way to start the day and something I would not have ever thought about doing.

Another is just spending time getting to know the local businesses in our community.  These businesses don't just carry products or services, they are part of our community. I have found more information, advice and conversation when shopping at a local store.  Local store owners are there because they want to add something to our town and I have enjoyed becoming more familiar with what Elmhurst has to offer.

So, has it been hard?  A little bit.  It has taken more time.  A realization I had after week one is that I am horribly over scheduled.  I have so little extra time in the day that the thought of having to physically go out to a store to find something seemed frustrating.  What I found is that it really didn't take all that long (as long as I knew where to go) and actually it was way more satisfying to go into a store vs. click a button.  I have had some trouble with services due to hours.  I need very flexible hours and someone who is open late.  I have to take extra time to research the hours for dentists, drs, etc.

Overall, it has not been as hard as I thought it might be.  I found that I was mentally already committed to shopping local, but my actions needed a little work.  I am looking forward to the next few weeks (and beyond) to see where this takes me...

Baby it's cold outside!

Wow. I am not ready for the cold. I guess no one ever is. Yesterday I got a rare chance to meet Scott for lunch. I was in between a client meeting in Naperville and heading downtown. When we were talking about where to go I just wanted some soup or something warm. 

He suggested Egg Harbor. We go for breakfast all the time, but rarely for lunch. I was game as I wanted a sit down place, but also fast. 

When we walked in I noticed that it was packed!  No suprise given how great the food is. We were freezing cold so coffee was a must!  

I always think of pancakes and bacon, but today we checked out their menu of soup, sandwiches and salads. 

I had the soup and salad combo. I chose the chicken and rice soup and a salad (maybe the harvest salad). 

It was a great and perfect for a cold day.  There is something about food in a crock that just warms your sole.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

It takes a village (or a running community)

I have been behind on my posts and it didn't help that we were away for the weekend to complete the Disneyworld Wine & Dine Half Marathon.  We spent a quick whirlwind trip to Orlando to run the race and then head home.

I was thinking about the fact that we were not in Elmhurst this weekend and I wasn't sure what I would write about.  My blog is, after all, about shopping local and here we were - not local.

So, on Saturday we were waiting in the corral and had a long time to chat.  For anyone who has done a large race with 10,000+ runners you know that you can wait a long time before you get to start.  I brought up that we were not very local this weekend and Scott instantly disagreed with me.

He noted that we wouldn't even be at the race if it wasn't for Elmhurst.  It was an interesting point and absolutely right.  Here is why...

When we first moved to Elmhurst our daughter was only about 18 months old.  We were in that stage of life with too little sleep and too little time to do much more than work and chasing a little toddler.  Working out, running or doing anything for ourselves (or with each other) was not a priority.  After we lived in Elmhurst a few months I noticed a few things.  For one, when I parked at the parking garage, no one takes the elevator.  I noticed that there were a lot of people running by our house each morning and in general everyone seemed very active.

For us it all started on the first Thanksgiving that we lived here.  Scott brought up that there was a BIG turkey trot 5K on Thanksgiving morning.  It was the Dan Gibbons Turkey Trot.  I casually mentioned that it would be really fun to do a 5K one day.  We ended up having a discussion about how unhealthy we felt and that we wanted to set a better example for our daughter.  So..when spring came - we started running.  We had not realized what the Prairie Path even was when we moved here, but the first time we went to it, I was amazed at how many people were out. (Although you can't tell from the picture below)

A year later we were 90 lbs lighter (collectively) and we did the Turkey Trot.  It was awesome and it it led to many other race.  It led up to our half marathon this past weekend.

So, not only did Elmhurst bring us to that half marathon, lots of businesses were part of it too (see....I am bringing it around to the shop local element!).

As we sat in the corral, we started to take inventory of all the gear and services that we used local businesses for in order to get to that race:

1.  Runners Sole:  We love this store and go there for a variety of things.  For this race we both had shoes from Runners sole as well as socks, water bottles, Gu gels and body glide.  The other thing Runners Sole has given us is advice.  Their staff is very knowledgeable and they have given us advice on everything from running in the heat to pacing for a race.  I love that they are more than just a store that sells running gear.  They are a store that fosters running in our community.

2.  Prairie Path Food and Ankle:  When we trained for our first half marathon, I started having a lot of foot pain.  I was worried so visited Dr. Saera Arain who not only did a through check up, but also taught me a lot about what happens to your feet when you run and introduced me to the Powerstep inserts (changed my life).   They have been a great resource whenever I have had concerns.

It really made me think about the power of community.  We would not have been sitting at the start line of a half marathon if we hadn't moved to a community that inspired us to get off the couch and be more active.  On top of that, we had great resources available in our town to help us out and give us guidance.

I felt very lucky at that least until mile 10 (at that point I just felt like I wanted to sit down)

Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Very Entrepreneurial Elmhurst

About a week ago I posted a note on the Elmhurst Etalk Facebook page asking about businesses that people really liked in town.  I got some great answers and have been able to check out a few additional local businesses I didn't know about.  (I still have a list of a few I haven't been able to check out).  Lisa, the owner of Monkeys N Munchkins made the point that I should make sure to keep in mind virtual businesses that do not have an actual retail presence.  There are quite a few businesses that live in their homes and on sites like Etsy.  Great point Lisa!

First off, I checked out Lisa's store on Etsy.  She is a top 100 Etsy merchant.  Here items are adorable.   Here is just one example of the cute kids accessories she features:

Overall it got me thinking.  Not just about cute jewelry, but about other local businesses that are in our town, but not as visible.  I started with Etsy.  We have quite a few Entrepreneurs in our town.

I learned a trick on Etsy that is very cool.  You can filter all of your searches by LOCATION. That means that when you are looking for something you can check out whether anyone from Elmhurst, IL is selling it.  I am SO excited to do this next time I am looking for something.  Here is how you do it.

Step #1
Search for your item on  For this example, I have searched for "headbands":

In this case you will get listing for all sellers with anything "headband" related.  If you scroll down to the bottom you will find a field on the left that allows you to choose a "custom location".  Once you do that, you can type in "Elmhurst, IL".  It evens allows for "South Elmhurst, IL".

After you select it you will ONLY see sellers that are in Elmhurst.   Here are the Elmhurst, IL listings for "headband".

Give it a try!  This is a great way to support your neighbor or even local businesses that are putting their products online!  I had no idea you could do this, but by a few simple steps I can always check first to see if I can support someone in our hometown.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

When the weather outside is frightful...

In the 2+ years we have lived in Elmhurst we have not done any real renovations or changes to the house. I think I was scarred from our house in the city where we did some major remodeling. Some  projects were exciting (gutting the kitchen) others were a surprise and not fun (gutting the basement after flooding). Although that is the house we got married in and had our daughter, my memories of that house are clouded by constant home improvement projects. After having a newborn and a basement that was gutted down to a dirt floor I declared that when we moved to our next house, it would be awhile before we did anything. In our Elmhurst house, my husband has been planning many things from painting, remodeling our deck and significant changes to the basement. (Our daughter calked him a Tinker the other day -- I think she is right). He has planned for years and a few weeks ago said it was time to start a few projects.

Because he knows me well and is a master of making me agree with him, he picked a surprisingly cold day a few Saturdays ago to suggest that we put in a fireplace. I grumbled about spending the money, liking our house the way it was, pain in the blah, blah, etc. We currently have a fireplace, but have been unable to use it as it needs work.. Of course he had done all the research, found a place (local - yea!!), figured out that we could use a gas insert, etc. 

So on this cold, cold day we trekked into Fireplace and Chimney Authority in Elmhurst. They have a showroom and if you walk in there on a cold day you will be hooked!  It was so warm and cozy and instantly I was dreaming of snowy days sitting by the fire. Yes!  It actually made me excited for a cold day (doubtful that I will feel that way come February). 

We found the right insert, placed our order and yesterday had our fireplace installed. 

It is amazing.  When I came home from work we had dinner by the fire and it was lovely. I do find myself less irritated by the forecast of cold weather as we have an instant coziness that our house didn't have before.   He was right.  I do love it.  It wasn't hard to do and it is a great improvement to our house.  Now that this is done, I think I have unknowingly opened the door to home improvement projects. I heard him mumble something about heading to Ace Hardware to get more paint samples...oh we go...

Sunday, November 2, 2014

A "Masterpiece" of a store: K&T Colors

Okay....I am officially in love with K&T Colors.  I have a bit of a problem with art supplies....I just believe you can never have too much.  :).  When I posted about not knowing where to find Modge Podge and glitter a few people suggested K&T Colors.  I didn't know we had an art store in our town.     If you are a serious artist, this is THE place to be (not me)!.  If you are NOT serious, but just want something fun, this is THE place to be (me)!.  They not only have a good looking selection of art supplies for "real" artists.  They also have a lot of kids art supplies as well as craft supplies.  I found my Modge Podge!  Yea!

On top of supplies, they have the ability to do custom framing and conduct art classes.  What a great resource to have in our town.

My daughter founds some Crayola washable paint with GLITTER.  With the cold weather upon us, it would be great to refresh some of our art supplies.  She liked them so much, she carried the box around the store, refusing to put them down just in case I might change my mind.  She also carried the bag outside the store, into the car and into the house.  Glitter paint for a 4 year old is some serious stuff.

This is one of my favorite new finds as I usually go to Michaels for art supplies.  Instead of driving all the way to Michaels and running through 12 aisles of things I don't need (and will likely buy) looking for easy to use kid paint brushes, I can go 5 minutes from my house and be in and out very quickly!

Day 10: Uptown, Bachabee, Kie and Kate, oh MY!

My mom was in town this weekend in order to celebrate Halloween with us.  She braved the cold on Friday night (brrrrr) and was treated with the Pumpkin Ravioli I bought earlier in the week from Rosalia's Deli.  I have to say that it was delicious!  Everyone in the family (including the picky 4.5 year old) at it.  It was the perfect end to a VERY cold evening.

On Saturday we had a few hours before Scott and I were headed to Solider Field for the USA vs NZ rugby game so naturally my mom, daughter and I did a little shopping.  We weren't really looking for anything in particular, but we all do love to window shop.  My mom particularly enjoys Elmhurst shopping and just seeing what the stores have.   I also had gotten so many awesome suggestions from Facebook for places to stop in that I wanted to do some "research" (!).

Our first stop was The Uptown Shop.  During the City Center trick or treating last week we stopped in for candy and I knew I wanted to go back asap.  The thing I love is that they have a little bit of everything, but it all seems to fit as part of the store.  They have jewelry, candles, toys, purses, clothes and home decorations.  LOT of cute and unique things in the store. It is one of the stores where you have to spend some time looking so you can see everything.  Every time I turned around I saw something else I liked!  Our daughter liked the toy sections and that kept her occupied so I could look around a bit.

There were so many things I liked that I could put 20 pictures in this blog.  One of my favorites was this set of entertaining dishes where you could change out a decorative piece for each holiday, parties, etc.  They were so cute and my mom and I were talking about numerous family members that would love these.  The best part is that I have never seen anything like it.  It is cool to see things that are truly interesting & unique.  (I may be putting these in the blog as a BIG hint to my husband...he is a loyal reader...hint hint, dear...)

After Uptown Shop, we headed to Bachabees.  We had been to Bachabees before and it is one of my mom's favorites.   Last time we were there, she bought a pair of socks for a co-worker that said f*** cancer and they were a big hit!

They have a nice mix of things from books, gift items, soaps, trinkets & beautiful ribbons.  Like Uptown, it is the kind of store that you can spend a lot of time looking and find new, fun things in all the nooks and crannies of the store.  I only got a few pictures as the 4.5 year old was enjoying picking up everything she could find, breakable or not (yikes!).  I spent a lot of time watching her so I am anxious to go back!  I took a few pictures off of their website so I could show how cute the store really was!

One thing I loved is that they had a cute book called "Giving Thanks" that is a guest book for Thanksgiving that you put out each year and everyone signs and writes what they are thankful for.  I host my husband's family every year so I may go back!  It would be a very fun addition to the holiday.

Another area I thought was really interesting is that they had a beautiful selection of ribbon.   I made a mental note for a later date.

The last stop was at Kie & Kate.  I simply love this store as it just exudes FUN.  They have clothes, accessories, gifts, toys, trinkets and lots of fun & interesting items in the store.  They also had some very cute holiday pieces and I had wished I had a chance to go prior to Halloween.  They had a "buy one, get one" sale on Halloween pieces.  They were VERY cute.   We all spent a lot of time do the "oh did you see this..SO cute".  My daughter in particular liked Kie and Kate as there were lots of books and trinkets that she liked.  She kept saying "oh, mommy...oh mimi...I must show you something".  adorable.

One of the really unique parts of the store is an area where you can create a custom tee shirt or onesie with adorable appliqués!  Very simple and cute.

I ended up buying an early holiday gift for my nieces.  (I was afraid it wouldn't be there when I went back).  My nieces are 9 & 10 years old and obsessed with Instagram.  They are constantly taking funny pictures of themselves, us and their friends.  When I saw this "Photo Booth" package, I could not resist.  It is a cardboard photo frame and some fun accessories (on sticks) to create some funny pictures.  This is absolutely perfect for them.  For a quick background, I saw something similar in Zulily about 3 months ago and wanted to get it for them, but it was way too expensive for some cardboard items.  I thought I would make it myself, but lets be real - I don't have time for that.  Kie & Kate had it for a THIRD of the price of the one on Zulily.  Score!!

Overall it was a very fun few hours of "research"!  Because my job is incredibly busy in November and December I am an early Christmas shopper (I have already started).  I have a great mental list of potential holiday gifts (and a few things I would love..of course!).