Saturday, October 25, 2014

A Boo-tiful Saturday in City Center & a Courageous meal

Today was the annual downtown Elmhurst Trick or Treating.  You could not have asked for a better day for it.  There were so many people out and a lot of businesses in the City Center participated (we have more candy in the house than we know what to do with!).  I think it is so cool that the City Center merchants put this on every year.  It is a lot of fun, not to mention FREE.  There isn't only candy, but a pumpkin patch, balloon artists, photographs, etc.

Here is our "pirate fairy" daughter carefully picking out her "perfect" pumpkin!

All of the merchants that participate pay to put this event on every year.  I hope that the increased traffic downtown ends up equaling more business.  For anyone who loves the yearly trick or treating, lets take time to support the businesses that work hard to create these events for all of us.

We started our day supporting one of the City Center businesses.  Since I didn't do Courageous Bakery any justice the other day with my measly coffee cup picture, I used that as an excuse to go back!  We have been for breakfast here before and it is one of our favorites. We usually ask our daughter where to go to breakfast and she usually picks one out of 3 places:  Crepe place (Nu Crepes), Chicken Place (Egg Harbor) or Cupcake Place (Courageous Bakery).  Today is was the cupcake place.  A lot of people just think that this is a cupcake shop, but it has one of the best breakfasts in town.  Everything tastes fresh and REAL (think - real maple syrup, etc).  Also, I have a strange obsession with their bacon.  It has a sweet maple and smokey flavor and it literally melts in your mouth.

Today we shared a salted caramel donut (I would post a picture, but we ate it too fast).  I had pancakes, eggs and bacon and Scott had their chilaquiles.

One last thing that we love about Courageous is that on the weekends during breakfast they often have live music.  It just adds that extra element to the place.  One of the very first times we went there for breakfast was last winter.  It just felt great to be out of the house even though it was freezing outside.  It was so warm in the bakery that the windows were a little foggy.  We sat there eating some great food, feeling warm and listening to a great guitarist.  At that moment everything just felt right in the world.  A great memory

Today they had Peter Jens playing guitar and singing.  Our daughter was compelled more than once to get out of her seat and dance a little!

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